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Creative Practice as Research: Exploring Storytelling with Virtual
Reality in 360-Degree Documentary
Viewpoint Interaction Strategies- Practice Design
This chapter going to compare the traditional role of narrative structure to explore the viewpoint in developing my CVR spatial storytelling structure, focus on my personal memory to test different viewpoints interaction models to give the viewer a sense of being present from the character’s viewpoint and foster some emotional response.
(1) Non-character viewpoint
(1) Non-character viewpoint:the viewer is not addressed as part of the diegesis
(2) Character point of view
(2) Character viewpoint: the viewer is addressed by the grandma as a character within the diegesis, with no interaction with other characters
(3) Character point of view
(3) Character viewpoint: the viewer is addressed by the grandma as a character within the diegesis, and has a visible virtual body, no interaction with other characters
(4) Character point of view
(4) Character viewpoint: the viewer is addressed by the grandma as a character within the diegesis, but without virtual visible body, focusing on enhancing the character identity traits and interaction with other characters
(5) Character point of view
(5) Character viewpoint: the viewer is addressed by the grandma as a character within the diegesis, with a virtual visible body, focusing on enhancing the character identity traits and interaction with other characters
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